Prolog i epilog. O sztukach Na dnie Maksyma Gorkiego i Franek Rakoczy Władysława Orkana

Halina Mazurek



Both of the works unites the same way of exhibition of the people of the margin social. At
Gorki at Orkan are there the poor occupants of the hostel which despite the material fall show the
interest of the matters of the spirit. They speak about freedom, human nature and the sense of the
human existence.
In both arts we were found similar figures convergent situations and events. However the
differences arises the time of writing both works and their literary convention. The realistic drama
On the bottom came into being before the revolution 1905, therefore dominate the atmosphere of
the expectation on changes. Orkan writes his poetical drama, simbolistical realistic after 1905
year. Through the defeat of main hero and the fiasco of his plans of improvement of life of the
poor shows the end of the hope for better future.

Gorki Maksym. 1953. Dramaty. Warszawa.Orkan Władysław. 1986. Utwory dramatyczne. Kraków.

Pigoń Stanisław. 1958. Władysław Orkan. Twórca i dzieło. Kraków.

Puchalska M. 1957. Władysław Orkan a rok 1905. Wrocław.

Smaga Józef. 1975. Dramaty Maksyma Gorkiego. Kraków.



Mazurek, H. (2011). Prolog i epilog. O sztukach Na dnie Maksyma Gorkiego i Franek Rakoczy Władysława Orkana. Acta Polono-Ruthenica, 1(XVI), 103–111. извлечено от

Halina Mazurek 