Rossica w kwartalniku kulturalnym „Opcje” (1993-2010)

Beata Pawletko



The cultural magazune Opcje is a periodical devoted to the culture. Opcje brings up
important phenomena of literature, music, art, philosophy, theater and movie. The present paper
presents a review of magazines content from the perspective of works concerning Russian culture
and literature. It turned out that subjects connected with Russia are quiet often discussed in the
magazine Opcje. Readers can find here not only descriptions of Russian literature and reviews of
its translations into Polish language, but also papers dedicated to the Russian filmmaking, music
and theater.

Fast P., L. Rożek. 1994. Sylwetki współczesnych pisarzy rosyjskich. Katowice.

K. Kurczab-Redlich. 2007. Głową o mur Kremla. Opcje 4.



Pawletko, B. (2010). Rossica w kwartalniku kulturalnym „Opcje” (1993-2010). Acta Polono-Ruthenica, 1(XV), 143–151. извлечено от

Beata Pawletko 