Pająk w folklorze rosyjskim

Agnieszka Gołębiowska-Suchorska



The article is a synthesis of the research on a spider creation in Russian folklore as far thread mythologem is concerned. As traditional oral folk composition genres analysis proves there are spider relations to a sphere of sacrum. The spider, able to weave and move in all directions, is seen in fairy-tales as a saviour. The result of its activities is restoring of order in the world. Christian legends of aethiology show the spider as a trickster acting against God. In many genres of folk literature its web functions as a guide, saviour or liason between earth and heaven. Folk ideas connected with the spider stored in traditional folklore are genetically connected with mythological weaving-cosmogony idea and demiurge-weaver creation.

Ключевые слова:

spider, russian, folklore



Gołębiowska-Suchorska, A. (2007). Pająk w folklorze rosyjskim. Acta Polono-Ruthenica, 1(XII), 31–37. извлечено от

Agnieszka Gołębiowska-Suchorska 