Dramaturgia Nikołaja Kolady i jekaterynburgska bohema na łamach czasopisma Didaskalia w latach 2000-2003

Jarosław Strycharski



In the article the author examines sparse mentions of the modern Russian drama which development has progressed much in Yekatirenburg. An analysis of the articles mentioning the modern drama proves the author’s statement about N. Kolada, having educated a group of talented playwrights and being the most popular modern dramatist in Russia as well as abroad in spite of his peculiar aesthetic and poetic outlook.

Ключевые слова:

Nikolaj Kolada;modern Russian drama;Russian literature;Yekatirenburg



Strycharski, J. (2007). Dramaturgia Nikołaja Kolady i jekaterynburgska bohema na łamach czasopisma Didaskalia w latach 2000-2003. Acta Polono-Ruthenica, 1(XII), 119–126. извлечено от https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/apr/article/view/2238

Jarosław Strycharski 