Модальные средства экспликации „мысли семейной” в романе Льва Толстого Анна Каренина
Swietina Waulina
KaliningradIrina Ostrowierchaja
Text function of multi-leveled language means expressing the modal meaning of possibility
as one of the explicators of the authors modality in Leo Tolstoys novel Anna Karenina is
considered in the article.
The authors determine functional specificity of the given means in revealing the valuable
aspects of the heroes of the novel Anna Karenina, ruining the main heroine and influencing
severely the people close to her: children, husband and Vronsky. The article traces the role of the
modal means in showing the dynamics of formation and spiritual negative transformation of vital
views of the heroine contrasting to the family ideas of the author of the novel and accepted by
his readers.
Ключевые слова:
Leo Tolstoy;Anna Karenina;modal means expressing;linguistic;Kaliningrad