К вопросу об оценочном языке современной русской рекламы. На материале текстов рекламы косметических изделий

Andrzej Sitarski



Lexicology may be one of the most impotant measures of linguistic analysis of advertising.
On the basis of the analysis of texts of modern Russian cosmetic products adertising, the author
conludes that the language od advertising antails two separable domains of vocabulary valuating
and neutral. A proper choice of lexical units which have the arbitrary, adjuditing connotations
(rational and emotional) nay have the maximum effect on a potential buyer of an advertised
cosmetics product.
In needs emphasising that the axiological vocabulary in the advertisements texts propagates a
certain lifestyle, while the reality created through the language of advertising is definitely beatiful,
rich, benevolent and uncomolicated.

Ключевые слова:

modern Russian advertising;linguistic;adjudicating language;linguistic analysis




Sitarski, A. (2007). К вопросу об оценочном языке современной русской рекламы. На материале текстов рекламы косметических изделий. Acta Polono-Ruthenica, 1(XII), 211–218. извлечено от https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/apr/article/view/2247

Andrzej Sitarski 