Wpływ języka angielskiego na słownictwo i pisownię rozmów IRC w języku polskim i rosyjskim - wybrane zagadnienia

Bartosz Kuczyński



The following article examines a variety of elements concerning the influence of the English language on the vocabulary and spelling of the IRC chats in Polish and Russian. After a short presentation of the IRC service itself and the conversations made through it, a number of examples of the jargon, the youth slang, the play with spelling, and the transcription of the Cyrillic alphabet, which appear in the medium, are presented. Most of the examples serve to illustrate the influence of the English upon the Polish and the Russian languages of the IRC users. Additionally, the examples prove the author’s assumption that IRC is a medium which stimulates linguistic creativity


Ключевые слова:

language of IRC chats;influence of the English language;



Kuczyński, B. (2006). Wpływ języka angielskiego na słownictwo i pisownię rozmów IRC w języku polskim i rosyjskim - wybrane zagadnienia. Acta Polono-Ruthenica, 1(XI), 331–339. извлечено от https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/apr/article/view/2372

Bartosz Kuczyński 