Аксиолингвистическая картина современной действительности в текстах российских хипхоповцев

Andrzej Sitarski



The article highlights certain phenomena as well as objects of the current Russian reality, which are recognized, isolated and appraised by the Russian hip-hop artists, whose lyrics were analysed. The hip-hop subculture, unlike any other modern subculture, emphasizes the right to an unrestrained choice of one’s own style, way of thinking and experiencing of the world. The appraisal of the current Russian reality, functioning on the level of the lyrics and the style, depends on the assumed interpretative vision of the world of the Russian rappers. The analysis has revealed that the language of the Russian hip-hop artists is in most part filled with the negative appraisal. The axiological language, often addressed to the people, is most conspicuous. It often is manifested in insults and vulgarizm.

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Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Philology




Sitarski, A. (2008). Аксиолингвистическая картина современной действительности в текстах российских хипхоповцев. Acta Polono-Ruthenica, 1(XIII), 487–496. извлечено от https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/apr/article/view/2432

Andrzej Sitarski 