Переводческие особенности в переводе на украинский язык новеллы Элизы Ожешко „ Тадеуш "
Artur Tomczak
The subject of analysis of the present article is the translation into Ukrainian of the novel of Eliza Orzeszkowa by the Ukrainian prose writer M. Kociubiński. As a result, it has been establi shed that the translation work of M.Kociubiński represnts a very high level. Even if the translator took the liberty of "ukrainizing" certain pictures or motifs, he did so in order to adapt Orzeszkowa more to the tastes and expectations of the Ukrainian readers.
Tomczak, A. (2005). Переводческие особенности в переводе на украинский язык новеллы Элизы Ожешко „ Тадеуш ". Acta Polono-Ruthenica, 1(X), 47–50. извлечено от https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/apr/article/view/3719
Artur Tomczak