Концептуальная метафора : универсальность или идиосинкатичность?
Aleksander Kiklewicz
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w OlsztynieАннотация
The subject of the article is the widespread in the contemporary linguistics (and also Slavo nic studies) theory of the conceptual metaphor, initiated by the American researchers G. Lakoff and M. Johnson in the eighties of the twentieth century. Analyzed are the most important me thodological assumptions of this branch of linguistics, those peculiarities of the description of the linguistic material that contemporary linguistics owes to the cognitive (and interpretational, to be precise) perspective of sign systems. The author focuses on one of the postulates of the cognitive theory of metaphors, namely on the postulate of universality, challenging its abso- lute character. The most particular subject of analysis on the part of the author is connected with the factors of realization of conceptual metaphors in the linguistic communication: discursive, cultural-cogniti ve, situational and linguistic ones.
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Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie