Published: 2021-11-171

The Polish Underground State vs. The Polish Communists, and the concept of counteraction

Karol Sacewicz
Echa Przeszłości


During World War II, the Polish Underground State had to face yet another enemy, namely the communist underground, in its struggle for Poland’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. The article systematizes the existing knowledge about the anti-communist units of the Underground State and the forms and methods used in the battle against the communist enemy. The obstacles that prevented the Polish Underground State from implementing radical methods of counteracting communist forces were identified. The communists did not demonstrate such restraint during World War II or the post-war occupation of Poland.


anti-communism, Polish Underground State, Polish communists, World War II

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Sacewicz, K. (2021). The Polish Underground State vs. The Polish Communists, and the concept of counteraction. Echa Przeszłości, (XXII/2), 221–240.

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