Published: 2018-10-071

Practical Rationalism and the Construction o f the Decision’s Context

Emmanuel Picavet
Humanities and Natural Sciences
Section: Articles


This article offers a synthesis of the substantial problems raised by new readings of Hume from the viewpoint of contemporary decision theory, and by new efforts to give a fresh expression to some of Hume’s ideas in this context. It is argued that the controversies in the field basically revolve around the treatment of novelty in decision situations. The inclusion of the constructive dimension of practical reasoning can be viewed as a consequence of the interpretation tasks of decision theory, and the opposition to classical approaches seems unnecessary.


Hume David, theory of decision, choice, action, desire, volition, preference, utylity, instrumental rationality

Citation rules

Picavet, E. (2018). Practical Rationalism and the Construction o f the Decision’s Context. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (13), 65–92.

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