Published: 2018-09-031

Can You Judge That Life Is Beautiful?: Aesthetics of Schopenhauer

Henryk Benisz
Humanities and Natural Sciences
Section: Articles


Schopenhauer constructs his aesthetics, referring to Plato’s theory of ideas and developing the Kantian conception of the power of judgment in relation to the beauty and sublimity. Using transcendental terms he can objectify the aesthetic value of the normal products of nature and artistic creations of man. Featured in his aesthetics is poetry (drama) and, to a certain extent, the philosophy, because it is an art of expression, presenting ideas best through concepts. Music is a special kind of art, enabling to reach out to the world of ideas directly and to express it in a non-verbal or over-verbal way. Schopenhauer leads interesting reflections on the will and representation, idea and life, talent and genius, charm and grace, and on many other important issues arising in the area of his aesthetic interests.


Schopenhauer, aesthetics, art, beauty, sublimity, ideas (Platonic), life

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Benisz, H. (2018). Can You Judge That Life Is Beautiful?: Aesthetics of Schopenhauer. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (20), 245–275.

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