Factors influencing the adoption of anglicisms. A study of juggling terminology

Hubert Kowalewski


The aim of the article is to determine the factors influencing the adoption of lexical
borrowings from English into the terminology of Polish jugglers. Faced with the temptation
to adopt an English term, users may resort to one of three main strategies: they may
try to find or coin a Polish equivalent and use the equivalent exclusively, they may use
the anglicism and the Polish equivalent interchangeably, or they may use the anglicism
exclusively. The choice of the strategy is motivated mainly by: 1) the availability of the
Polish equivalent, 2) syntactic and morphological simplicity of the borrowing and the
Polish equivalent, 3) the degree of entrenchment of the Polish equivalent; 3) the degree
of specialization the anglicism. In general, users tend to prefer simpler, more entrenched,
and more specialized terms.


anglicisms, lexical borrowings, New Circus

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Cited by

Kowalewski, H. (2020). Factors influencing the adoption of anglicisms. A study of juggling terminology. Prace Językoznawcze, 22(1), 131–144. https://doi.org/10.31648/pj.4976

Hubert Kowalewski