On emoticons once again – based on the example of the emoticon ‘XD’ in the Polish language
Anna Kapuścińska
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczyhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-6316-1838
This article is devoted to the frequently discussed question of emoticons with reference
to their belonging to the language code. It is often argued that emoticons cannot be
perceived as language signs, as they are rather based on the iconic code. Such coding
is common for all the emoticons in the western cultural circle depicting a human face
rotated by 90 degrees to the left which express emotional states. It is also the primary code
of the emoticon ‘XD’, which expresses amusement. However, this emoticon also deserves
attention as a unique example of the verbalisation of emoticons. It is significant this
unit pronounced in Polish was chosen the Youth Word of the Year 2017 in a competition
of a well-known Polish Publishing House PWN, which at the same time grants this
primarily iconic sign the status of a word. In general, the extended meaning of ‘XD’ in the Polish language may be perceived as a symptom (even though only singular) of the dynamics of the seemingly stable system of emoticons and its ability to interfere with the language code.
emoticons, ‘new media’, the Internet, communication, youth languageReferences
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