Linguistic picture of a doctor in Polish (based on lexicographic data)

Marcelina Kałasznik


The article attempts to present a picture of a doctor based on linguistic data taken from
lexicographic sources of the Polish language. The theoretical assumptions of the concept
of the linguistic picture of the world (JOS) represented by Polish ethnolinguists are
the starting point for the analysis. The analysis includes two words lekarz and doktor,
which are used as the names of the profession or titles of persons performing the work
of a physician. In order to reconstruct the picture of a doctor in Polish, the following
language data were discussed: etymology, meaning, syntagmatic and paradigmatic
relations of these words and proverbs in which they appear. The analysis of language facts
leads to the expansion of the catalogue of features by which doctors are characterised.
The interpretation of the value-based language measures used in relation to physicians
reveals an ambivalent attitude towards representatives of this profession rooted in Polish.


linguistic picture of the world, linguistic picture of a doctor, Polish language dictionaries

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Cited by

Kałasznik, M. (2021). Linguistic picture of a doctor in Polish (based on lexicographic data). Prace Językoznawcze, 23(1).

Marcelina Kałasznik