Polypredicative sentences with conjunctive use of disjunctive conjunction (based on Polish and Russian languages)
Aleksander Kiklewicz
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztyniehttp://orcid.org/0000-0002-6140-6368
The author proposes a semantic interpretation of sentences with the conjunctive use of the
disjunctive conjunction. It has been shown that sentences of this type are characterized
by an ambivalence: on the one hand, at the level of assertive information, the conjunction
is expressed, i.e. information about the full coverage of the known, listed elements by the
feature manifested by the predicate in a head position. On the other hand, there is a plan
of assumptive information, i.e. an indication that these elements are a set of alternatives
that the sender considers as potential participants (examples) in the structure of the described situation. Such meanings as potentiality, exemplification and openness of set
are expressed in the assumptive part of the sentence. The author has showed that Polish
and Russian have different predispositions to express the assumptive information: Polish
prefers constructions with a disjunctive connection to a greater extent. This is reflected
in the translation of texts from one language to another: although in most cases the
syntactic structure of the initial sentence is preserved, there are also discrepancies, namely
cases where the Polish disjunctive construction corresponds to the Russian copulative
construction or the construction of another (non-coordinate) type.
syntax, coordination, conjunction, disjunctive and copulative connection, enumeration, polypredicativityReferences
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