Affrikatization *t’, *d’ > *ć, *ʒ’ in Western Pomerania in local and field names
Jerzy Duma
Instytut Slawistyki PAN w WarszawieAbstract
The article analyses the scope of the process of affricatization *t’, *d’ > *ć, *ʒ’ in Western
Pomerania. Its gradual disappearance towards the west was confirmed – higher for the
former *d’, smaller for the former *t’. In the old Slavic dialects of West Pomerania, as well
as in the old Slavic dialects of Mecklenburg, East Holstein or in the dialect of Połabian
Drzewians, there is no such affricatization in most local and field names, i.e. *t’ > t, *d’ > d.
This may confirm the loss of accommodative pronunciation in these dialects. The lack
of accommodative pronunciation before the vowels of the front row typologically brings
these dialects closer to the following dialects and languages: Upper Sorbian, Czech and
Slovak as well as the South Slavic languages. It is also partially similar the multiple
of consonants before *e, *ě and *i in Ukrainian.
old Slavic dialects of West Pomerania, processes of palatal consonant accommodation, affricatization *t’, *d’, typology of Slavic languagesReferences
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Instytut Slawistyki PAN w Warszawie
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