The communication situation and the language of the original “Contemporary Music” series in Newonce Radio
Grażyna Stachyra
The article investigates the language of the original music programme “Contemporary Music” in the Newonce Radio internet station. The problem is addressed to revise the linguistic consequences of the change in the communication situation in the modern-day
radio. Such a situation is understood here as a communication context that includes
technological matters and the evolution of the original programming formula. This
context is co-created by the following aspects: 1. Newonce Radio is not a separate
institution – a radio station per se, but one of the channels of the platform;
2. It broadcasts one-time original music programmes which are later available as
podcasts; 3. Original music programmes are hosted by the creators of audio industry
(not music journalists) who invite industry friends as guests. Having those aspects in
mind, the language of conversations between the presenters and the guests invited to the
studio was examined. Hence, the theory of media linguistics was applied as regards the
radio language variety, which made it possible to interpret the language of conversations
in the pragmatic approach and proved that: 1. Broadcasting a programme that afterwards
becomes a podcast leads to defining the communication space vaguely and distorting
the way the language used is adapted to the mode of conversation on the radio “live”
or performance in the recorded podcast; 2. Contesting the role of music journalists by
the presenters influences the genre determinants of the programme: its intrinsic control
character (the guests in the broad cast are friends of the hosts) and the status of the
programme host (equal to the guests).
radio, podcast, original music programme, communication situation, communication context, media linguisticsReferences
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