On the power of emotions. A semantic analysis of the expressions kogoś wryło, kogoś zamurowało and kogoś zatkało

Mariola Wołk

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


The paper focuses on three linguistic units: kogoś wryło, kogoś zamurowało and kogoś
zatkało. These are one-argument predicates which encode results of intense emotions.
They can be treated as lexical exponents of ‘surprise’ and similar concepts, although they
differ from other expressions representing this category in, among other factors, their
pragmatic value (as well as their vividness) and the intensity of the emotions that they
convey. The paper describes the syntactic properties of the expressions and the mechanisms
of predication (a specific shift from the concrete to the abstract, hyperbolisation),
but most importantly it distinguishes elements of the semantic structure of the linguistic
units. The ultimate aim of the presented characterization is an attempt to define the
three examined expressions.


emotions, linguistic unit, syntax, semantics, predicate-argument structure, emotions, linguistic unit, syntax, semantics, predicate-argument structure

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Cited by

Wołk, M. (2019). On the power of emotions. A semantic analysis of the expressions kogoś wryło, kogoś zamurowało and kogoś zatkało. Prace Językoznawcze, 21(1), 171–183. https://doi.org/10.31648/pj.3707

Mariola Wołk 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie