Bilingualism and mutism in the context of delayed speech development

Joanna Kuć

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


The article is devoted to two phenomena – mutism and bilingualism, presented in a more
extensive neurological speech therapy perspective of delayed speech development, with
a description of a case study of a bilingual child who was verbally inhibited. In research
on pre-school children, the author attempted to define the complex linguistic situation
of a multilingual child who is silent, and the real context of her non-linguistic existence,
which is an important perspective on the specificity of the description of mutism, its background
and structure. The author observed this disorder in 4.5-year-old Armenian girl,
brought up in Poland since birth, in whom the symptoms of selective mutism appeared
when she went to kindergarten. A sample of speech obtained at home confirmed that the
girl communicates verbally in both languages. In kindergarten, she is silent, passive and withdrawn, while at home she is talkative, active and dominant, which is guaranteed by
her parents. Against the background of this case, there is also the issue of delayed speech
development, which is part of the phenomenon of multilingualism.


bilingualism, mutism, diagnosis, speech programming, delayed speech development

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Cited by

Kuć, J. (2019). Bilingualism and mutism in the context of delayed speech development. Prace Językoznawcze, 21(4), 129–140.

Joanna Kuć 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku