Antipassive-like structures in the Polish language and their aspectual restrictions
Katarzyna Mroczyńska
The aim of this article is the presentation of the process of antipassivization, based on the
material culled from the National Corpus of Polish (NKJP). The realization of antipassive-like structures in Polish is closely linked to the multifunctional, polysemous element się.
In this work we discuss the classification of various antipassive-like structures occurring in Polish, based on Janic’s doctoral dissertation (Janic 2013), and illustrate it with
numerous examples extracted from the NKJP. We also offer an explanation to certain
aspectual restrictions in the occurrence of the antipassive-like structures, which may be
seen in the corpus examples
antipassivization, intransitive structure, syntax, lexicon, Polish, verb valencyReferences
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