The ballast or the heritage? Some aspects of the conceptualization of the past in view of collocations of the noun przeszłość (‘the past’) in the Polish language
Monika Szymańska
This paper presents the results of cognitive semantic analysis of both: collocations of the
lexeme przeszłość (‘the past’) and grammatical structures associated with them. The aim
of the analysis is to reconstruct some elements of the mental image of the past reflected in
those language structures and to show some aspects of the conceptualization of the past
in Polish. The analysis shows that the past is perceived as a determinant shaping the
identity of a particular human being or some kind of community (e.g. nation). It indicates
that we tend to picture the past in our utterances as an important factor having an effect
on the presence and the future.
cognitive semantics, collocation, construction, the past, conceptualization of notionReferences
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