Distinctive features of verbs in the German language of the Old Believers living in Masuria
When the Old Believers fleeing persecution after the liturgical reform of Patriarch Nikon
in the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century arrived in Masuria in 1830, the
region belonged to East Prussia. Until 1945, they were exposed to German culture, into
which they gradually assimilated and learned the German language. After World War
II, the area was divided, with its northern part annexed by the USSR and the southern
part, i.e. Masuria, incorporated into Poland. The generations of Old Believers who were
born in Masuria until the mid-1950s are trilingual, speaking a Russian dialect as well
as Polish and German. As part of field research conducted by the author from 2007 to
2015, interviews with 23 Masurian Old Believers speaking German were registered and
analysed considering the trilingualism of the speakers (Jorroch 2015). The article presents
interesting phenomena in the speech of the respondents, such as double perfect tense
constructions, a characteristic construction of the conditional mode with the modal verb
mögen, or an archaism in the construction of the perfective aspect of the verb.
Old Believers, Masuria, German, trilingual, verbReferences
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