Text-specific kinds of word formation in Russian and German (a comparative study of fictional and factual texts)
Elizaveta Kotorova
University of Zielona GóraAbstract
This article seeks to determine whether different kinds of word formation can serve as a criterion for the classification and characterization of different text types and to what extent this criterion is dependent on a particular language. In order to demonstrate the role of word formation, the study analyzes fictional texts (fairy tales) and factual texts (instruction manuals) with respect to what kinds and types of word formation are specific for these types of texts in Russian and German. The analysis shows that although the text-distinguishing function of kinds of word formation is manifested in both languages, in Russian it is expressed to a lesser extent than in German. The reason for this is that the basic kinds of word formation are less evenly distributed in the Russian language than in German.
text linguistics, text type, word formation, fairy-tale, instruction manual, Russian, GermanReferences
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University of Zielona Góra
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