Participation of the Ukrainian “Sokil” Movement in a Military-Patriotic Education of Youth before the I World War

Yevgen Papenko

Wydział Historyczny, Narodowy Uniwersytet Tarasa Szewczenki w Kijowie, ul. Vladimirska 60, Kijów, Ukraina


The article analyses the participation of the Ukrainian "Sokil" movement in a military-patriotic education of the youth before World War I. Reasons for Sokil societies creation and an influence of Czech and Polish Sokils are analyzed. This article discovers the influence of socio-political process, which happened on West Ukrainian lands at the end of XIX century, upon the birth and development of Sokil movement. It mentions the role of "Watra" and "Academic brotherhood" students' societies in Ukrainian Sokil creation. The main expansion ways of Sokil gymnastics and sport activity are determined. It is insisted that Ukrainian Sokil, being created ad exemplum of Czech and Polish ones, adopted only neighbors' names and organizational structure. There is also mention of organizational structure of Ukrainian Sokil. Sport, gymnastic, fire-prevention, cultural and educational activity of Ukrainian Sokil Youth Society in Eastern Galicia at the end of XIX – at the beginning of XX centuries are explored. It is highlighted that Sokil educational system encouraged Ukrainians by its democracy, harmonious unification of immaterial and bodily parts, promoted national self-affirmation. Forms and methods of physical education are highlighted. The emphasis is laid on the importance of gymnastics and sport for Ukrainian people on the eve of the First World War. The role and the meaning of the Lviv Sokil society in the widening network of the Sokil societies were enlightened in the article. It is underlined that V. Nahirnyj, V. Lavrivsjkyj, I. Boberskyj, being organizers of the Sokil movement, rank particularly in the improvement of society activities and in the creation of Sokil societies in the Eastern Galicia at the end of XIX – at the beginning of XX centuries.


Eastern Galicia, Sokil movement, youth society, national liberation struggle, military-patriotic education

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Cited by

Papenko, Y. (2016). Participation of the Ukrainian “Sokil” Movement in a Military-Patriotic Education of Youth before the I World War. Studia Warmińskie, 53, 421–430.

Yevgen Papenko 
Wydział Historyczny, Narodowy Uniwersytet Tarasa Szewczenki w Kijowie, ul. Vladimirska 60, Kijów, Ukraina