The All-Russian Peasant Union and Authorities in the Years of the First Russian Revolution in Ukraine

Wiaczesław Magas

Ogólnouniwersytecka Katedra Nauk Społecznych, Żytomierski Instytut Wojskowy im. S.P. Korolowa, Prospekt Myru 22, 10-004 Żytomierz, Ukraina


The activity of the first Peasant Unions in Ukraine confined within the limits of the current legislation – namely, the Decree on February 18, 1905, which started the judgement campaign, although the unions were established as unlawful societies. A short period of ARPU open legal activities began after the announcement of the Manifesto on October 17 that proclaimed various freedoms, including "meetings and organizations". The central authorities of the Peasant Union worked out the democratic reforms program and its centers implemented the tactics of "peaceful attack" on the landowners and local authorities, keeping the peasants from radical actions. This period ended with the widespread brutal repression against the ARPU leaders and members at the end of 1905 – at the beginning of 1906. The Decree on March 4, 1906 “On the Temporary Rules of Societies and Unions” at the legislative level made it impossible to continue the open Peasant Union organizations activities. In its turn, the peasant congresses of various levels in 1906-1907 showed revolutionary sentiment growth. The constant pursuit and the completion of the revolution caused the decline of the Union institutions. Thus, the authorities saw a huge threat in the breadth and scope of the activities supported by simple peasants and decided to use the repressive means, while the possibility of a dialogue with the peasants for the reform of the agrarian and political sphere was lost, and the beginnings of a civil society in the country were destroyed.


The First Russian Revolution, the All-Russian Peasant Union, public authorities, the Constituent Congress

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Cited by

Magas, W. (2016). The All-Russian Peasant Union and Authorities in the Years of the First Russian Revolution in Ukraine. Studia Warmińskie, 53, 431–440.

Wiaczesław Magas 
Ogólnouniwersytecka Katedra Nauk Społecznych, Żytomierski Instytut Wojskowy im. S.P. Korolowa, Prospekt Myru 22, 10-004 Żytomierz, Ukraina