Modern Television Series as a Phenomenon of Popular Culture

Sergiusz Rusakow

Katedra Kulturoznawstwa, Narodowy Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Michaiła P. Dragomanowa w Kijowie, ul. Pirogowa 9, 01-601 Kijów, Ukraina


This article is about the features of the third period of the development of television  series which has become a source of new meanings and values in popular culture. Modern television series differ by the usage of new visual language, detailed description of main characters' nature and details of the plot and good literary basis. The television series of the third period are named "smart" by the author. It is associated with the significant intellectual progress of modern viewers and popular smart technologies in today’s world.


television series, television, popular culture, mass culture

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Cited by

Rusakow, S. (2015). Modern Television Series as a Phenomenon of Popular Culture. Studia Warmińskie, 52, 85–94.

Sergiusz Rusakow 
Katedra Kulturoznawstwa, Narodowy Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Michaiła P. Dragomanowa w Kijowie, ul. Pirogowa 9, 01-601 Kijów, Ukraina