Is Biomedical Enhancement of Human Nature “Playing God”?
Marcin Ferdynus
Katedra Etyki Szczegółowej (doktorant), Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Al. Racławickie 14, 20-950 LublinAbstract
Biomedical enhancement of humans is one of the most exciting and problematic areas of developing science. The author of the article evokes various concepts and contexts of understanding of the term enhancement, simultaneously indicating interpreting problems which have hence a significant impact on the distinction between therapeutic and non-therapeutic interferences. The final analysis shows that the term enhancement may be defined as improvement of human nature that goes beyond purposes of medicine. This perspective refers the reader to one among many arguments being raised nowadays against proposals to use technology with the aim of transformation of human nature. This is the argument accusing one in adopting the role of God (playing God). Manifestation of undue conviction of acquired knowledge (lack of competence) as well as human pride become the reasons for “playing God”. The attitude leads to dehumanization. Instead of it one should assume that a person (subject) should be always treated as an end and not merely as means of any biomedical intervention.
enhancement, therapy, the ,,playing God” argument, biomedicine, human natureReferences
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Katedra Etyki Szczegółowej (doktorant), Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Al. Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin