The Chronobiology of Nutrition and its Impact on Physical and Mental Health and Spiritual Life of the Early Middle Ages Cenobites of the Rule of Benedict of Nursia

Olga Cyrek

Instytut Historii, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Al. Rejtana 16 C, 35-959 Rzeszów


The article describes the eating habits of monks living according to the rule of Benedict of Nursia.  The Italic organizer of the monastic life was a good teacher and an observer.  He recognized the natural needs of man and his rule did not prescribe  anything that exceeds human capabilities.  Surely he knew the law and the basic chronobiology (the science dealing with the modern biological rhythms that occur in living organisms).  It should follow nature and the biological clock if it wants to maintain good health of mind and body.  However, in the community of monastic cenobites no one could follow his own individual needs,  all had to be subordinate to the rights of the rules.  They held to strictly seasonal food and sat down at the common table in accordance with the schedule.  The type of diet that they had adapted to their way of life and their physical  and mental activity.  They ate simple meals, usually consisting of little processed food products (vegetables, fruits and bread).  They ate all during the day.  It made it easier to burn the energy they needed to do their job.  In the evening they were preparing their bodies to rest.  The cenobites tried to satisfy  their natural needs and never stayed starving, so they did not feel deprivation and they could pray and work better.  The taking care of your body also influenced the development of the spiritual life.


chronobiology, nutrition, diet, monasticism, spirituality, health

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Cited by

Cyrek, O. (2013). The Chronobiology of Nutrition and its Impact on Physical and Mental Health and Spiritual Life of the Early Middle Ages Cenobites of the Rule of Benedict of Nursia. Studia Warmińskie, 50, 235–250.

Olga Cyrek 
Instytut Historii, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Al. Rejtana 16 C, 35-959 Rzeszów