Traces of the Prussian Language in Certain German Names of Polish Rivers and Places in Warmia-Masuria

Piotr Owsiński

Instytut Filologii Germańskiej, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, ul. Czapskich 4, 31-110 Kraków


In the above article the author wanted to show the phenomenon of loaning Prussian words into the German language. He also tried to interpret some of the names of rivers and places in Ermland-Masuria. The language substance, that was analysed, comes from the times before standardization, which was the aim of the work of the Commission for the Determination of Place Names (Komisja Ustalania Nazw Miejscowości i Objektów Fizjograficznych, the name translated by P.O.) after the end of  World War II.  The introduction provides some information about the Prussian tribes and the results of the work of the Commission for the Determination of Place Names after 1945. In the first chapter of the article the author writes about the traces of the Prussian language in the German rivers’ names, which are often a part of the oldest vocabulary in a language. The second part is concentrated on the names of the Polish places which German names camouflage the Prussian elements. The aim of the article, which can also be considered as an introduction to further research,, is an illustration, that the Prussian language did not become extinct. It is an attempt to explain the camouflage of the Prussian words or their parts, although the etymology of some of them is not clear and cannot be explained unambiguously.


etymology, the Old Prussians, river, place, camouflage, language

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Cited by

Owsiński, P. (2013). Traces of the Prussian Language in Certain German Names of Polish Rivers and Places in Warmia-Masuria. Studia Warmińskie, 50, 271–281.

Piotr Owsiński 
Instytut Filologii Germańskiej, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, ul. Czapskich 4, 31-110 Kraków