Sin and Punishment in the Teaching of Father Joseph Stagraczyńskiego in the Light of Sermons of “Preaching Library. Magazines Devoted to Preaching”(Vol. IX) [Contribution to the study of the nineteenth-century preaching in Poland]

Tomasz Szałanda

Katedra Teologii Praktycznej, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, ul. Hozjusza 15, 11-041 Olsztyn


The subject of this paper is to show how the Polish nineteenth-century preaching understood the concept of sin and punishment. The author referred to the source material as they are the sermons of Father Joseph Stagraczyńskiego. Also raised the question: how should they return to the contemporary preaching. The proclamation of this period is characterized by a sharp preacher of the word of God. The preacher is not seen as a witness or participant of the daily life of the faithful, but as the guardian of souls. So it is not a good shepherd, but strict teacher. In light of the analyzed sermons the greatest threats to contemporary people were uncleanness, drunkenness, misconduct children against parents, false testimony, staying in sin, dancing and having fun. However, the inevitability and severity of the punishment for the sinful life in the form of the eternal torments of hell, combined with the extraordinary plasticity of communication, aroused certainly intended by the preacher anxiety. Now, however, the word of God requires a real concern to the listener  - not objurgation, a preacher needs definitely other ways of leading of souls than in the nineteenth century. Today's proclamation of the Good News, where is undoubtedly a place for sin and punishment, should lead to the love of God and neighbor. Because the essence of faith is not fear, but love.


sin, punishment, preaching, preaching of the nineteenth century, preaching before council, Stagraczyński

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Cited by

Szałanda, T. (2012). Sin and Punishment in the Teaching of Father Joseph Stagraczyńskiego in the Light of Sermons of “Preaching Library. Magazines Devoted to Preaching”(Vol. IX) [Contribution to the study of the nineteenth-century preaching in Poland]. Studia Warmińskie, 49, 67–79.

Tomasz Szałanda 
Katedra Teologii Praktycznej, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, ul. Hozjusza 15, 11-041 Olsztyn