Judas Iscariot in the Novel of Roman Brandstaetter "Jesus of Nazareth"

Aleksandra Nalewaj

Katedra Nauk Biblijnych i Historycznych, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, ul. Hozjusza 15, 11-041 Olsztyn


The subject of this study is the figure of Judas Iscariot by the novel of Roman Brandstaetter „Jesus of Nazareth”. The author of the literary work – inculcated in the Judaic tradition, brought up in love and respect for inspired writings, knowing the realities of life in Palestine in the first century AC – does not distort the image of Iscariot, known from the Gospel, but extends it. In this way he manages to create a credible psychological portrait of a man who – trusting only himself and his own intuition – falls into an ever-greater sin, until he devotes himself to the services of the Devil.


novel, Roman Brandstaetter, Judas Iscariot

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Cited by

Nalewaj, A. (2019). Judas Iscariot in the Novel of Roman Brandstaetter "Jesus of Nazareth". Studia Warmińskie, 56, 195–211. https://doi.org/10.31648/sw.2725

Aleksandra Nalewaj 
Katedra Nauk Biblijnych i Historycznych, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, ul. Hozjusza 15, 11-041 Olsztyn