Liber Manualis of Dhuody the Duchess of Septymania (ok. 803-843) as a guide and certificate of the contemplation of God

Małgorzata Chudzikowska-Wołoszyn

Instytut Historii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, ul. Kurta Obitza 1, 10-725 Olsztyn


Everything what modern reader know about frankish erudite from Septimania owe to Liber Manualis (Handbook) a original masterpiece left by her. She dedicated this masterpiece to her son William. This work is very unique because Dhuoda was the only woman in distance of century who gave to the history so individual testimony of her writing. She compiled this work in genre which was very popular among carolingian scholars as speculum – the mirror and at the same time this genre holds a wealthy antiquity literature tradition. The impulse for her to compiled this Handbook was a dramatic circumstance in which she had found. The brutal interior policy took her sons away. The physical separation with family for Dhuoda turned out into a source to unspoken longing and suffering. Didactic masterpiece which she decided to write had become some kind of spiritual link between loving mother and her sons. Spiritual testament created by Dhuoda it’s a result of deep consideration about Christian love. It’s a moral and religious instruction for her children. The masterpiece of frankish aristocrat had become a first so individual evidence to a meditation of God by a layman. It contain a numerous tips about earthly and spiritual issues. It’s extremely creative masterpiece which the duchess prettified with a maternal and didactic issues based on christian truth about mercy. The analysis of a tractete tell us that the only source of Dhuoda strength and hope was love to God. According to author every righteous behaviour of a man are elaborate thanks to adoration of God and that kind of rule she tried to give to descendants. Dhuoda not only contemplate the God by herself but she also prompt how to get closer to sacrum. Liber manualis gives us the fleeting possibility to look into a heart and a soul very miserable but at the same time deeply believe in God women living in the Middle Ages.


Dhuoda of Setymanii, Carolingian literature, the history of early medieval literature, speculum principis, moralistic literature

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Cited by

Chudzikowska-Wołoszyn, M. (2012). Liber Manualis of Dhuody the Duchess of Septymania (ok. 803-843) as a guide and certificate of the contemplation of God. Studia Warmińskie, 49, 341–357.

Małgorzata Chudzikowska-Wołoszyn 
Instytut Historii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, ul. Kurta Obitza 1, 10-725 Olsztyn