Official Position of Vatican Concerning the Responsibility for the Global Problem of Climate Change

Maryana Zdoroveha

Katedra Politologii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Narodowy Uniwersytet „Politechnika Lwowska”, ul. Stepana Bandery 12, 79-000 Lwów, Ukraina

Olga Ivasechko

Katedra Politologii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Narodowy Uniwersytet „Politechnika Lwowska”, ul. Stepana Bandery 12, 79-000 Lwów, Ukraina


The article highlights the views of the Pope Francis on the global climate change issue. The main attention is paid to the Encyclical letter Laudato si, in which Holy Father Francis addresses ecological problems that have resulted from human activity. The Papal document covers the current state in the field of environmental protection, the causes of the environmental crisis and possible ways to solve it. Pope Francis introduces an integral ecology as a new paradigm of justice, which will include a special place of person in the world and relationship with the reality that surrounds her. The Catholic Church invites everyone for open and honest dialogue about solutions global problems of climate change.


climate change, Pope Francis, encyclical, ecological crisis, responsibility

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Cited by

Zdoroveha, M., & Ivasechko, O. (2018). Official Position of Vatican Concerning the Responsibility for the Global Problem of Climate Change. Studia Warmińskie, 55, 147–157.

Maryana Zdoroveha 
Katedra Politologii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Narodowy Uniwersytet „Politechnika Lwowska”, ul. Stepana Bandery 12, 79-000 Lwów, Ukraina
Olga Ivasechko 
Katedra Politologii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Narodowy Uniwersytet „Politechnika Lwowska”, ul. Stepana Bandery 12, 79-000 Lwów, Ukraina