The Presence of Tradition in the African Modernity

Jacek J. Pawlik

Katedra Nauk o Rodzinie, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, ul. Hozjusza 15, 11-041 Olsztyn


Based mainly on the author’s own experience and field research in Togo, the article outlines the way in which tradition is woven into modernity, as political and social discourse uses a worldview based on traditional religion. Is the rejection of tradition by young people related to its strength of inhibiting the development? The following were analyzed: the imperative of family solidarity, which hinders the development of the individual and ritualism forcing to sacrifice any savings for the organization of festive events and witchcraft, which provides the explanation of inequality in public life. In all these areas, the tradition is not only present, but it plays an important role as a stabilizing factor, explaining and encompassing social reality.


Africa, modernity, tradition, sorcery, funerals, solidarity

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Cited by

Pawlik, J. J. (2016). The Presence of Tradition in the African Modernity. Studia Warmińskie, 53, 25–38.

Jacek J. Pawlik 
Katedra Nauk o Rodzinie, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, ul. Hozjusza 15, 11-041 Olsztyn