Impact of Hellenism on Christian Anthropology

Piotr Liszka

Instytut Teologii Systematycznej, Katedra Eklezjologii i Sakramentologii, Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, ul. Katedralna 9, 50-328 Wrocław


What makes Hellenism valuable is its attempt to adequately express the same contents in different cultures and languages. Hellenism imposed its own meanings on the terms used in other cultures and in scientific reflection. Hellenism as a cultural phenomenon means coexistence, or even mixture of various thoughts and expressions of various creeds. Not only may different patterns of thinking may impose a hindrance, but also become an opportunity for expressing new topics that could not be expressed in the former culture in full, or at all. That is why Hellenism may play an important role in understanding the Christian faith and transferring it to various differing cultural backgrounds. God makes use of human language and of human thinking for putting the truth across to people, a truth that by its essence is incomprehensible for man. The Hebrew language and Israel, descendants of Abraham were chosen to become the beginning of historical Revelation, which was a fundamental, but not necessarily sole stage. For the comprehension of the revealed message all instruments are useful in the form of different schools of thought, languages, cultures and specific sciences. The theologian applies all accessible tools for reading and understanding the contents of the faith. Thanks to this he enriches the reflection in light of the faith on the reality of the world.


Hellenism, Christianity, culture, Holy Scripture, language, anthropology, similarity

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Cited by

Liszka, P. (2016). Impact of Hellenism on Christian Anthropology. Studia Warmińskie, 53, 145–160.

Piotr Liszka 
Instytut Teologii Systematycznej, Katedra Eklezjologii i Sakramentologii, Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, ul. Katedralna 9, 50-328 Wrocław