Why did Prince Edmund Radziwill (1842–1895) not Become Bishop of Wrocław?

Marek Jodkowski

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


Prince Edmund Radziwill descended from the germanised Radziwill line. He was a priest of the diocese of Wrocław, but in 1870 moved to the archdiocese of Gniezno and Poznan. He was then given the post of vicar in Ostrów Wielkopolski. He
became involved in politics in Upper Silesia, gaining the support of the Centre party. For a number of years, he was the party’s deputy in the German Parliament. Despite his conciliatory approach, however, he faced criticism from both the Centrists and the Poles. In 1881, he became a candidate for Bishop of Wrocław. That same year, the Bishop of Chelm also sought his nomination as his coadjutor. However, due to the prince’s pro-Polish statements, his commitment to nationality, as well as his Polish origins, his candidature was rejected by the Prussian authorities.


Edmund Radziwiłł, Upper Silesia, diocese of Wrocław, archidiocese of Gniezno and Poznań, Centre party

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Cited by

Jodkowski, M. (2024). Why did Prince Edmund Radziwill (1842–1895) not Become Bishop of Wrocław?. Studia Warmińskie, 61, 497–509. https://doi.org/10.31648/sw.9822

Marek Jodkowski 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie