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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The article is an original work, it does not infringe on the copyrights of other people and was submitted exclusively to the editorial team of "Warmia Studies";
  • The author / authors, submitting the text to the editor, transfers / transfers to the publisher the exclusive right to issue and disseminate it (CC-BY-NC-ND license);
  • There is no "ghostwriting" in the publication;
  • There is no "guest authorship" ("honorary authorship") in the publication;


 I. General informations

"The Studies of Warmia" consists of the following parts: 1. Philosophy; 2. Theology; 3. Family studies; 4. Law; 5. History; 6. Reports; 7. Reviews. Two independent reviewers from outside the scientific unit of the author and the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn are appointed to evaluate each text from Chapters 1-5.

II. Preparation of the text

The author provides the Editorial Board of "The Studies of Warmia" with the use of the Platform System. When submitting a text, follow the instructions of that system.

Preferred text version: Word; font: Times New Roman; font size in the main text: 12; line spacing: 1.5; font size in footnotes: 10. The margins of each printout should have the following dimensions: upper and lower 25 mm, left 35 mm, right 15 mm. Text formatting should be kept to a minimum: paragraph indents, centering, italics. The volume of texts sent to sections 1-5 should not exceed 30,000 characters (including footnotes and spaces), i.e. about 15 pages (according to the above criteria). Reports and reviews should not exceed 6,000 characters (including spaces), i.e. about 3 pages (according to the above criteria).

The submitted text (from sections 1-5) should be accompanied by summaries in Polish and English (each of them up to 1500 characters, i.e. about half of the text prepared according to the above criteria) and keywords in Polish and English (from five to seven).

The submitted text should be accompanied by an attachment bibliography prepared according to the principles of the Harvard style.

A list of abbreviations used in the paper should be attached to the work (according to the formulas given i Encyklopedia katolicka, ed. KUL).

The author's data should be attached to the text (and in the case of multi-author works, data of all authors), providing the title or academic degree, name and surname, scientific affiliation, mailing address, e-mail and ORCID, e.g.: Rev. Zdzisław Kieliszek, PhD, Department of Canon Law and Philosophy, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Hozjusza 15, 11-041 Olsztyn,,

In the main text, when the author is called for the first time, his full name and possibly the initials of the next names should be given before the name. When the individual author is recalled once again, only the first initials of the names should be kept.

The titles of works and other sources referred to in the text should be given in italics, e.g. Critique of pure reason.

Compound or single expressions in foreign languages than the language of the main text should be written in italics, e.g. "The German word Vernunft (reason) has appeared at least since the 18th century as a translation ratio".

Reviewed articles (from sections 1-5) are sent electronically (via the Platform System) with reviews to the authors. The author should read the reviews, respond to the comments of the reviewers and, after taking them into account electronically, return the text with the revised version to the editors. If the author does not take into account reviewers' comments, it is necessary to substantiate this decision and send it to the Editorial Board in electronic form.

The editors of "The Studies of Warmia" accepts only previously unpublished texts for publication. Authors of the texts are obliged to submit an appropriate statement confirming the originality of the work.

III. Bibliographic references

In "The Studies of Warmia" reference is made to bibliographic references according to the Harvard style. The basic principle here is to give in the text in parentheses the names of the author and the initial of the name, date of issue and page number, e.g.: (Nowak P., 1999, p. 45), (Adamski K., 2015, p. 44-46; Krasiński P.K., 2017, p. 131-133).

Other variants of bibliographic references in the text:

Piotr Nowak (1999, p. 131) so summarized the above thought …..

Piotr Nowak (1999, p. 131) says that: "Thought………”.

In the event that the authors of a given publication are two people, both names are given, separating with the conjunction "and", e.g.: (Wiśniewska P. and Olsztyńska B., 2000, p. 31).

In the case of three authors and more, please give the name of the first one and use the abbreviation "and others", e.g. (Warmiński Z. and others, 2007, p. 23-25).

By referring to several works of the same author published in one year, in order to distinguish them, a small letter 'a', 'b' etc. is added after the date of publication, e.g.: (Krawiec M., 1999a, p. 2), (Krawiec M., 1999b, p. 14) i (Krawiec M., 1999c, p. 1).

In the above case, it should be remembered that in the reference bibliography - which is a list of used literature - the appropriate designations should be provided in the years of publication, e.g.:

  1. Krawiec Mikołaj, 1999a, Historia Indonezji, SBP, Warszawa.
  2. Krawiec Mikołaj, 1999b, Problemy współczesnych mieszkańców Papui Nowej Gwinei, Azja-Pacyfik: pismo poświęcone cywilizacji regionu Azji i Pacyfiku, No. 13, p. 50-67.
  3. Krawiec Mikołaj, 1999c, Szkolnictwo wyższe we współczesnej Japonii, Wydawnictwo UWM w Olsztynie, Olsztyn.

In the reference bibliography, each item is given according to the principle: surname, first name (and subsequent initials), year of publication, title of the work (in italics), publishing house, place of publication (or title of the journal, journal number - simple font), article pages (if it comes from a collective work or a magazine):



3. Edmondson Henry, 2015, Immanuel Kant, transl. Piotr Łęcki, in: Sławomir Popek (ed.), Dzieje filozofii, UMCS, Lublin, p. 47-79.

4. Malinowski Piotr, 2002, Krótka historia teologii, Wydawnictwo Znak, Kraków.

5. Warmiński Piotr T.K., Kształcenie nauczycieli zajęć edukacyjnych „Wychowanie do życia w rodzinie”, (24.01.2018).

6. Żelazny Piotr, 2002, Trendy we współczesnej teologii, Communio, No. 15, p. 14-38.

In the footnotes (marked with consecutive numbers) additional or supplementary information may appear (digressions, polemics, etc.). In the footnote references to literature should also be prepared according to the Harvard style.

IV. Quotes

Quotations from the Bible should be written in italics (without quotation marks). All other quotes should be enclosed in quotation marks (without italics). Quotations should be checked carefully with the source. Quotes from the Bible according to the Millennium Bible. In case of fragments of poetry or drama, it is necessary to preserve the graphic layout of the original (division into stanzas, indentation of verses). In quotes from prose or from scholarly works it should also keep paragraph indents and distinguish the original. Any changes to the quote and additional distinctions must be annotated in square brackets. All quotes must be accompanied by a bibliographical note. Fragments left in the quotations should be marked with three dots in square brackets.