Anthropological Terminology: basar and ruah in the Books of the Hebrew Bible, which Omit the Term nepes
Cezary Korzec
WT Uniwersytetu SzczecińskiegoAbstract
Anthropological terminology: rûªH and bäSär in the books of the Hebrew Bible, which omit the term nepeš.
The article analyses a group of texts of the Old Testament derived from the books (Ezr, Ne, Dn, Jl, Ab, Na, Zep, and Ml), in which the term nepeš has not been noted, but which do contain two other terms essential to the biblical anthropology, which seeks to answer the question of who is a man (the terms concerning the way of life of the man, the sphere of his emotions, etc. have been omitted) terms: rûªH and bäSär. Due to the ambiguity of the terminology, the first goal of the analysis is to determine the meaning of the terms in the selected texts, and, in the case of their anthropological connotation, to explain the semantical range. The goal of the analyses is to survey the anthropological situation of the aforementioned books.
The article significantly confirms the affiliation of the anthropological terminology found in the analysed texts to the main anthropological current. Just as in the case of Ml it points to the possibility of new original anthropological inspirations, which, in the case of Ml concern the unity of marriage.
Old Testament, biblical anthropology, basar, rûah, nepešReferences
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