The Function and Theme of the Pericope about the Fig Tree (Mt 21, 18-22) in the Narrative Gospel of Matthew 21–22
Zdzisław Żywica
Uniwersytet Warminsko-MazurskiAbstract
The current literature is dominated by the belief that the scene with the fig tree in the narrative Gospel of Matthew is a presage of judgment over Jerusalem, its temple and religious leaders with their supporters. The conducted narrative analysis of the pericope and its context 21–22 allows us to conclude that we are not dealing here with an announcement of an unconditional and immediate judgment. At the narrative level, it serves not only as a "hinge", a transition from presenting theological arguments confirming God's truth that Jesus of Nazareth is the expected messianic son of David - the King of Israel (21:1-17), but also presenting arguments confirming that he is also the Lord of David – Son of God (21:23–22:46). Thus, Matthew is concerned with defining and expressing the state of God's will of the last times regarding Jesus of Nazareth and the people of His choice. The actual and realistic revelation recorded in the Scriptures is to be another chance resounding in the prophetic cry for metanoia and humble trust in Yahweh and what He is telling his people in the person and saving work of Jesus - the prophet, son of David and His Son. The knowledge and recognition of this divine truth is determined by the Scriptures read in the eschatological hermeneutic key during prayer - a personal meeting with Yahweh. Rejecting it, will beyond any doubt, fulfill the symbolic meaning of the accursed fig tree, namely, the curse of the salvific barrenness of Judaism.
narrative, fig tree, metanoia, curse, faith, David’s son, Son of GodReferences
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