The Noecklasical Model of the Economic Human - Selected Aspects

Oksana Petinova

Katedra Filozofii, Socjologii i Zarządzania zasobami społecznymi i kulturalnymi, Południowo-Ukraiński Państwowy Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. K.D. Ushinsky’ego (Odessa), Ukraina


The article is devoted to the question of how and what man (the consumer) is guided by making individual choices that aim to maximize profits. The problem is analyzed in the paradigm of the neo-classical "homo-economic" model. It also shows the historical development of this model in the context of the co-evolution of socio-philosophical and economic thought. The author notes that the neo-classical model of "economic man" is based on two fundamental assumptions. First of all, it is assumed that a man (consumer) has comprehensive knowledge about the prices of goods and services, as well as their expected changes in the near future. Secondly, it is assumed that a human (consumer) always makes rational choices, while rationality means striving to maximize profits and at the same time minimize losses. The author notes that in accordance with the neoclassical "homo-economic" model, human choices in the field of economics always aim at maximizing the satisfaction of needs at the lowest possible cost.


homo economicus, knowledge, rationality, rational choice, risk, uncertainty, utility, utility maximization

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Cited by

Petinova, O. (2018). The Noecklasical Model of the Economic Human - Selected Aspects. Studia Warmińskie, 55, 131–145.

Oksana Petinova 
Katedra Filozofii, Socjologii i Zarządzania zasobami społecznymi i kulturalnymi, Południowo-Ukraiński Państwowy Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. K.D. Ushinsky’ego (Odessa), Ukraina