What Can a Night in July be Compared to? Tracing Stylistic Devices in the Spanish Translations of Bruno Schulz’s Prose
Barbara Galant
a:1:{s:5:"pl_PL";s:20:"Uniwersytet Łódzki";}Abstract
The aim of this paper is to compare two literary translations of Bruno Schulz’s short story titled Noc lipcowa into European Spanish. The article focuses on the stylistic devices typical of the authorial style, namely metaphors, similes and repetitions, and it intends to verify which translation techniques proposed by Hurtado Albir (2011) are most frequently used. Additionally, it attempts to assess if any semantic or stylistic losses can be observed due to the application of some techniques and given the systemic differences between Polish and Spanish.
authorial style, literary translation, stylistic devices, comparative translation studies, Bruno SchulzReferences
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