The Image of Shadow in the Inna Lisnyanskaya’s Poetry. An Attempt to Cognitive Analysis
Olga Letka-Spychała
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-MazurskiAbstract
Inna Lisnyanskaya is one of the most popular contemporary Russian poetesses. She was
born in Baku in 1928. In 1960 she moved to Russia and got married to a translator and poet
Siemion Lipkin. Her works tough upon many problems such as: abandonment, loneliness,
longing for her homeland, unfulfilled love. The main objective of the article is to explore
ontological, cognitive and structural metaphors and symbols connected with the image of
poetry, conceptual, metaphor, shadow, cognitive, Inna LisnyanskayaReferences
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Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski
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