Anna Andrzejewska

Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytet Opolski


The author of the paper assumes that cognitive grammar has an educational potential,
which is also noticeable in the increasing use of cognitive tools in foreign language
teaching. A project of the University of Granada entitled “The educational potential
of cognitive grammar” was a stimulus for this research. Therefore, the paper focuses
on Spanish as a foreign language and the concept of construal defined by Langacker
in his “Cognitive grammar”. The author, using content analysis and dimensions of construal
as the methods of research, creates a key of categories of visual representations
of grammar in textbooks of Spanish as a foreign language. The categories are inspired by
the concept of construal, which is a natural human process. Pictures are used to facilitate
the explication of grammar in a more comprehensible way. Moreover, the author shows
the potential of creating visual representations of particular grammatical problems and
benefits of their usage in teaching other foreign languages.

Ключевые слова:

cognitive grammar, applied linguistics (language pedagogy), multimodality, (dimensions of) construal

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Andrzejewska, A. (2017). OBRAZOWANIE W NAUCZANIU GRAMATYKI JĘZYKA OBCEGO. Acta Neophilologica, 1(XIX), 5–16. https://doi.org/10.31648/an.664

Anna Andrzejewska 
Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytet Opolski