Дистанционное образование в период пандемии: предваритель- ные итоги (электронное обучение русскому языку как иностранному в техни- ческом вузе)

Татьяна Дикова

Russian State University of Oil and Gas (Research University) named after I.M. Gubkin, Russia


The article discusses the capabilities of the electronic educational platform Microsoft Teams in the context of distance learning when teaching Russian as a foreign language. Among the positive aspects, there are opportunities for feedback from students. At the same time, a decrease in motivation for learning, the complexity of checking written assignments and control is shown. In general, the capability of this platform is characterized as supplementary in relation to traditional face-to-face training.

Słowa kluczowe:

distance learning, online lesson, synchronous learning, digital educational environment

Golovanova Mariâ Vladimirovna. 2020. Obrazovatel’naya platforma Moodle kak sredstvo motivatsii v protsesse obucheniya RKI [Educational platform Moodle as a means of motivation in the process of learning RCT]. “Russian language abroad” no 3, p. 86. (In Russian)   Google Scholar

Lebedeva Mariâ Ûrʹevna, Kuvaeva Alëna Sergeevna. 2020. Sinkhronny onlayn-urok po RKI kak osobaya forma obucheniya v tsifrovoy srede [Synchronous online lesson on Russian as a foreign language as a special form of learning in a digital environment]. “Russian language abroad” no 2, p. 29. (In Russian)   Google Scholar


Cited By /

Дикова, Т. (2021). Дистанционное образование в период пандемии: предваритель- ные итоги (электронное обучение русскому языку как иностранному в техни- ческом вузе). Acta Polono-Ruthenica, 2(XXVI), 121–126. https://doi.org/10.31648/apr.6964

Татьяна Дикова 
Russian State University of Oil and Gas (Research University) named after I.M. Gubkin, Russia