Motyw krwi w poezji Inny Lisnianskiej

Ewa Nikadem-Malinowska



Inna Lisnianskaya is a Russian poet who has been continuously writing since the fifties and
the author of hundreds outstanding poems. She has built her poetic universe on the basis of certain
concepts. Some of them appear more often than the others and blood is one of them. About
a hundred of Inna Lisnianskayas poems that include the motif of blood was chosen for this work.
Their analysis (in accordance to the studies of R. W. Langaker) is to show that the phenomenon of
subjectification is the basis of the conceptualization process.

Evans V. 2009. Leksykon językoznawstwa kognitywnego. Kraków: Universitas.

Langaker Ronald W. 2005. Obserwacje i rozważania na temat zjawiska subiektyfikacji.
Kraków: Universitas.

Lakoff George, Johnson Mark. 1988. Metafory w naszym życiu. Warszawa.

Wittgenstein Ludwig. 2002. Tractatus logico-philosophicus. Warszawa: PWN.

Лихачев Дмитрий Сергеевич. 1999. «Концептосфера русского язык». Очерки по философии художественного творчества: 149.



Nikadem-Malinowska, E. (2011). Motyw krwi w poezji Inny Lisnianskiej. Acta Polono-Ruthenica, 1(XVI), 127–135. извлечено от

Ewa Nikadem-Malinowska 