Dialog Wielkiej księżnej Katarzyny Aleksejewny z anonimowym polskim autorem o miejscu i roli kobiety w społeczeństwie: problematyka funkcjonowania anegdoty w twórczości Katarzyny II
Tatiana Akimowa
In the article is considered the problem of functioning anecdote in Catherines II fiction.
Anecdote depicting the image of a clever and educated wife starts a dialogue with a Polish
anonymous authors text A golden burden of marriage, in which the image of wife becomes
a target for mocking and open Renaissance laugh. Catherine Alexeevna answers on it using Enli-
ghtening conception of a wife image, whose place in the society is determined by her education,
upbringing and literature abilities. Thanks to her qualities, a woman can become the owner of the
salon and even in some exceptional cases the Empress.
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