The influence of language-biographical and language-ideological factors on the language use of bilingual speakers
Felicja Księżyk
Uniwersytet OpolskiAbstract
There is now a consensus that bilinguals are not dual monolinguals, but that the languages
they speak influence each other. The extent and shape of this influence is due, among
other things, to differences in language-biographical and language-ideological aspects.
The article refers to the results of research conducted as part of the German-Polish project
Language across generations: contact induced change in morpho-syntax in German-Polish
bilingual speech. Two different generations are interviewed in the project – early bilinguals
in Poland (Generation Poland/GP) and late bilinguals in Germany (Generation Germany/
GD). In order to consider individual differences between the bilinguals, first of all only
one of these speaker groups (GD) will be analysed. Then, the two language biographies
which deviate from the phenomena induced by language contact will be analysed in more
detail taking into account language-biographical differences to the GD as well as the
internalised language ideologies.
language biographies, language contact phenomena, German-Polish bilingualism, language biography research, corpus linguisticsReferences
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