Opublikowane: 2018-12-301

Minna Kollakowski – wierszopisarka z Węgoborka (głos w sprawie mazurskich „kobiet-poetek”)

Zbigniew Chojnowski


The article Minna Kollakowski – wierszopisarka z Węgoborka (głos w sprawie mazurskich
kobiet-poetek) [Minna Kollakowski – A Poetess from Węgobork (A Voice on the Matter of Masurian
Women Poets)] discusses the issue of participation of female authors in the creation of Masurian
literature. The beginning of their involvement with the local newspapers (mostly calendars) may
be traced back to the late 19th and early 20th century. The analysis of their poetry points to the fact
they conformed to the same norms of literary expression, concerning genres, themes, versification
and protestant spirituality, as male authors. This rule can be observed in the works of Minna
Kollakowski. The development of Masurian literature was not possible because of the disappearance
of the Polish language from Masuria.

Słowa kluczowe:

Mazury pruskie, piśmiennictwo kobiet, literatura protestancka, luteranizm i język polski

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Zasady cytowania

Chojnowski, Z. (2018). Minna Kollakowski – wierszopisarka z Węgoborka (głos w sprawie mazurskich „kobiet-poetek”). Prace Literaturoznawcze, (6). Pobrano z https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/pl/article/view/2675

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